
In 2021, The Supper Foundation was selected by Food Forward SA to part-take in the Foodshare program. This program is in partnership with Woolworths and allows The Supper Foundation to be the recipient of Woolworths food goods that are near expiration date.

These food goods are collected by The Super Foundation, every Saturday and Sunday and  the food is sorted and packed in to hampers which are then delivered to families in need.

It’s a wonderful program that we are immensely proud to be a part of. We get to bring quality food to those who are in desperate need of it. Many thanks to Food Forward SA and Woolworths for making this possible.


Learn more – www.foodforwardsa.org


  “The Supper Foundation collects food twice a week from Woolworths and fills up to 80 hampers per week”

The consequences of food poverty are dire. Children who grow up in households experiencing food insecurity are more likely to suffer from malnutrition, stunted growth, and poor cognitive development.



Philanthropy and giving back to society are an integral part of LottoStar’s blueprint. Over the years we have given back and helped many through our corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts.

LottoStar’s philanthropy is not isolated to one cause as we provided relief to multiple causes such as sports sponsorships, bursaries, medical financial aid and much more.


learn more  – www.thestarfoundation.co.za

Through the Star Foundation philanthropy over R67,000 has been raised for the Supper Foundation

Sponsor a family program


According to a report by Statistics South Africa, more than half of Soweto’s population lives below the poverty line, and many of these households struggle to put food on the table. The report further states that food insecurity is a widespread problem in Soweto, with almost 60% of households experiencing some form of food insecurity.


To help address this issue, The supper Foundation is running a “sponsor a family” program

The Supper Foundation Programs

The Supper Foundation runs various programs designed around basic needs fulfillment and upliftment. Our programs are run throughout the year and in various location around Soweto and other impoverished areas. To read more about the programs, click their various links and if you want to help out with the programs, please fill in the Contribution Form found on the Programs Page.

“2 Corinthians 9:5-7: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously”

Contact us

262 Pebble Beach Drive,
Eagle Canyon Golf Estate,
Roodepoort, South Africa, 2040


Cellphone: +27 (0) 82 851 7107

E-mail: errol@supperfoundation.org
FB: facebook.com/supperfoundation

Send us an online message