The Supper Foundation
The SUPPER Foundation is a charity organization born out of one man’s love and vision for Soweto. The goal of the SUPPER Foundation is to provide hope, food, education and spiritual guidance to the disadvantaged children of Soweto and other impoverished areas. Various programs are run by the SUPPER Foundation from meals on wheels to holiday centers and food programs.

Why South Africa is Under a Curse from a Christian Biblical Point of View
By Errol Ashman
For a very long time, the Lord has put on my heart to write a book as to why South Africa, as a so-called Christian nation, is under a very serious curse from Almighty God, from a biblical perspective.
The consequences of food poverty are dire. Children who grow up in households experiencing food insecurity are more likely to suffer from malnutrition, stunted growth, and poor cognitive development.
Our key goals
* Love
* Hope
* Opportunity
* Purpose
* Basic Needs
* Feeding Scheme
* Housing
* Sponsorship/Adoption
* Computer Centers
* Career guidance
* Job creation/ Placement
* Christian / Life Training
* Childrens Church
* Youth Groups
* Ministry / Outreach
The Supper Foundation Programs
The Supper Foundation runs various programs designed around basic needs fulfillment and upliftment. Our programs are run throughout the year and in various location around Soweto and other impoverished areas. To read more about the programs, click their various links and if you want to help out with the programs, please fill in the Contribution Form found on the Programs Page
2 Corinthians 9:5-7: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously
About the Founder
The SUPPER FOUNDATION is a charity organisation born out of one man’s love and vision for the impoverished people of Soweto.
Throughout his life he felt a calling to help those who had been disadvantaged. His particular burden was for the children. His mission started in the early 80’s in Hillbrow, Johannesburg, but he soon felt the calling for the children and young adults of Soweto. With the help of Rhema and the residents of the township, he started soup kitchens and other feeding schemes.
The kitchens fed the hungry and shared life lessons from scripture.